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Since my early youth I am enjoying the big variety which the art of music is offering.
As a musician I am interacting between performing classical piano and improvisation in the classical style and in Jazz.
Please have a taste!



Axel Ster

Pianist, Classic, Jazz, Improvisation

Axel Ster was born in Sande, Germany in 1968. As a young musician, he won several piano competitions with first prizes like “Jugend musiziert”, the Hamburg Steinway Competition and the Hamburg LTM Competition. In 1986 with winning a major piano competition he received the Schleswig-Holstein Youth Culture Award and performed Mozart’s piano concerto KV 466. From 1990 onwards, he studied at the Detmold, Vienna and Lübeck Music Universities and received degrees in musical theory, piano teaching and his artistic diploma in piano.

Beside classical music Axel Ster developed since his youth deep interest in jazz and the offer for further education in improvising and arranging Jazz led him in 1994 to the United States to the California State University Fullerton. In 1997 he was briefly a lecturer in music theory at the Hong Academy of Performing Arts.

In 2006 Axel Ster received his doctor degree in music therapy at Hamburg University of Music and Theater and published several scientific essays on music therapy.

As a pianist, he has performed concerts frequently at the Schleswig-Holstein Music Festival, Temecula Music Festival California. For the Goethe-Institutes in the USA he performed the complete piano work of Arnold Schönberg and complete Beethoven’s Piano Sonatas in lecture concerts. Furthermore, with his background as a church organ player and therefore his wide range of improvisation skills in classical music Axel Ster presents in concerts own improvisations like Opera Paraphrases in the style of Franz Liszt.

On the other hand he is focusing on jazz improvisation with playing piano, arranging and leading ensembles. In the field of jazz, he has worked and arranged for top jazz musicians like Nils Landgren, Ingolf Burkhardt, Bill Evans, Dan Berglund, Mads Vinding, Sherry Williams, Markus Burger and has performed several times at the famous Jazz Baltica Festival in Germany. Since 2005 he is guest lecturer at HOSEI University Tokyo and instructing the University’s jazz ensemble which is the New Orange Swing Orchestra.

1998 he started teaching music at the Ostsee-Gymnasium at Timmendorfer Strand and in 1999 he founded the OGT Big Band, with developed as one of the leading talent factories for young jazz musicians in Germany. Axel Ster has done with the OGT Big Band several concert tours taking him to Sweden, Japan and the USA. At the Music University of Lübeck, Axel Ster is teaching applied piano playing, classical piano improvisation and jazz piano.

アクセル・シュテアは1968年、ドイツのサンデ生まれ。若い音楽家として、ユーゲント・ミュジツィアート(Jugend musiziert)、ハンブルク・スタインウェイ・コンクール、ハンブルクLTMコンクールなど、いくつかのピアノコンクールで優勝した。1986年にピアノコンクールでモーツァルトのピアノ協奏曲第20番 ニ短調 K. 466を演奏し優勝、「シュレスヴィヒ・ホルシュタイン州青少年文化賞」を受賞した。1990年以降、デトモルト音楽大学、ウィーン国立音楽大学、リューベック音楽大学で学び、音楽理論、ピアノ教育、ピアノ芸術の学位を取得。

アクセル・シュテアは、クラシック音楽の他に、若い頃からジャズに深い関心を抱き、ジャズの即興演奏と編曲のさらなる教育を求めて、1994 年に米国に渡り、カリフォルニア州立大学フラトン校に入学。1997年に香港演芸学院(The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts)で短期間音楽理論の講師を務めた。

2006 年にアクセル・シュテアはハンブルク音楽演劇大学で音楽療法の博士号を取得し、音楽療法に関するいくつかの科学エッセイを出版した。



1998 年からバルト海ギムナジウム・ティメンドルファーシュトランド(OGT:Ostsee-Gymnasium Timmendorfer Strand)の音楽教師となり、1999 年にはドイツの若手ジャズ・ミュージシャンの才能発掘基盤の 1 つとして発展した OGTビッグバンドを設立。アクセル・シュテアは、OGTビッグバンドと共にスウェーデン、日本、アメリカへのコンサートツアーを実現した。リューベック音楽大学では、クラシック・ジャズピアノの即興演奏を教えている。2024年にはその功績が讃えられシュレスヴィヒ・ホルシュタイン州文化フォーラムよりジャズ推進賞(Der JazzFördererPreis des Kulturforum Schleswig-Holstein)を受賞した。